How to Get a Credit Card With Fair Credit
Many bad credit cards are available for people with fair credit, and they can help you improve your credit score over time. It is important to shop around and compare deals before signing up for a card. Always choose an issuer that reports to all three credit reporting agencies, and make sure you pay your bills on time and monitor your credit utilization ratio. While it is rare to get instant approval for a card with a fair credit score, most credit cards allow you to check your eligibility before signing up. This will give you an idea of what kind of credit limit you are likely to receive and the fees you might pay.
Does opening a new credit card hurt your credit?
Reflex Mastercard (r): The Reflex Mastercard (r) is an excellent card for people with fair credit. It has an easy application process and requires a checking account. Unfortunately, there is no welcome bonus with this card, and you won’t get many advanced benefits like an ongoing rewards program. However, if you can keep up with the minimum monthly payments, you can expect to get a credit limit increase in six months or less.
First Access Visa Card: A low-interest, unsecured credit card available to residents in select states, First Access Visa Card is a great choice for consumers looking to rebuild their credit. The service is fast, secure, and you can get a decision in 60 seconds. Its 0% introductory APR and low fees make it a good choice for consumers with fair credit. It does not offer a rewards program or any special benefits, but if you are looking for a low-interest card with fair credit, First Progress Platinum Prestige Mastercard Secured Credit Card and CapitalOne Platinum Mastercard Secured Credit Card are two options to consider.