Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit
Having bad credit can have a variety of negative consequences, from limiting your cell phone service options to raising your car insurance costs. It can also be a limiting factor in renting apartments, but there are ways to rebuild your credit. One of the most popular ways is to get a new credit card.
What credit card can I get with a 560 score?
However, you should be wary of the credit products that are marketed to people with bad credit. These may have high interest rates, expensive fees, and opaque terms.
The thimbl. – credit cards with bad credit history for people that offer rewards and a low annual fee. These types of cards are easier to get than secured cards, which require a security deposit.
Some credit cards also let you check for preapproval online. This can give you an idea of your chances of being approved without affecting your credit score.
You can also try to improve your credit through on-time payments. Payment history makes up 35% of your FICO Score. If you can pay off your balance in full every month, that will help you avoid paying interest.
You can also try to find a credit card with no annual fee. This can lower your monthly payments and make it easier to pay off the card.
If you want to build credit, you should choose a card that reports to all three major credit bureaus. Using a credit card responsibly can help you increase your score within a few months.